“Negi’s book is absolutely stunning. My jaw kept dropping at the attacking ideas that Negi exposes in this book. Just as in his previous book on the Caro-Kann & French, there is that beautiful mix of computer analysis, database research (including correspondence games) and superb insight that makes it a real learning experience as well as a super-GM repertory.”
GM Matthew Sadler, New in Chess
“The younger generation tends to depend more on the computer. At the level they are now, why not add another dimension by reading more, I try to say, at least when you have great authors like Parimarjan Negi. His books on the Sicilian are absolutely fabulous.”
GM Simen Agdestein, New in Chess
“There seem to be so many new ideas it’s an absolute must for high-level players who are willing to get involved in tussles involving 6.Bg5. The fact that the author also takes the time to explain the reasoning and the logic, even in sharp, almost irrational positions, is most helpful.”
GM Glenn Flear, New in Chess Yearbook
“These days with stronger and stronger engines one might question the need for opening books, but this would be a mistake. While the strongest engines are analytical monsters they often work better with a strong guide, especially in the unbalanced positions that abound in the 6.Bg5 Najdorf. Negi is an excellent guide.
1.e4 vs. the Sicilian 1 is the perfect book for the ambitious 1.e4 player who is aiming for the maximum.”
IM John Donaldson
“A fantastic book. This is the second entry in GM Parimarjan Negi’s 1.e4 series, the first of which (1.e4 vs The French, Caro-Kann and Philidor) deservedly won the 2014 Book of the Year award. In his new book Negi turns 6.Bg5 into a fearsome weapon against the Najdorf suitable even for his Grandmaster readers. This is a serious book for advanced players, one that will drive the theoretical discussion on the Najdorf for the foreseeable future.”
John Hartmann, Chess Life