600 Modern Chess Puzzles

kr 265,00

Den enkleste, raskeste og mest effektive måten å forbedre det generelle spillet ditt er å øke din taktiske visjon, sier forfatteren selv i forordet til boken.

Mange gode stillinger går tapt fordi et taktisk vendepunkt i partiet misses. Denne boken er laget med det for øyet; at ditt taktiske blikk skal bli bedre.

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“The easiest, quickest and most effective way to improve your overall game is to increase your tactical vision. Many good positions are lost because a key moment is passed by and a player misses the opportunity to win by a beautiful combination. This book is designed simply to help you improve your play by seeing tactics better.” – Martyn Kravtsiv

Written along similar lines to Gambit’s earlier Ultimate Chess Puzzle Book, this new work presents 600 puzzles, mostly from the last two years, that are chosen for instructive value and maximum training benefit. To ensure that few will be familiar to readers, Kravtsiv has deliberately chosen positions from obscure games or from analysis. If you find the right answers, it will be because you worked them out yourself!

The solutions feature plenty of verbal explanations of the key points, and cover most of the logical but incorrect answers. The book is completed with a set of ‘no clues’ tests, and an index of themes that will be useful to coaches and those looking to focus on specific aspects of tactics – or just seeking extra clues!

Download a pdf file with a sample from the book.

Watch a YouTube video in which GM John Nunn presents a sample from this book.


Vekt0,5 kg
Dimensjoner30 × 20 × 2 cm






