A Complete Guide to Flank Openings

kr 300,00

De to anerkjente bøkene om engelsk og reti er nå tilgjengelig i én utgave. Disse bøkene dekker de aller fleste varianter i Engelsk og reti-systemet.

Åpningene er nært beslektet og man transponerer ofte over fra den ene til den andre. Den store fordelen med disse bøkene, er at du får  et åpningssystem du kan bruke og følge til omtrent alt du måtte møte.

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Two great books by Neil McDonald from the Everyman Chess Library, Starting Out the Reti and Starting Out: The English, brought together in one volume. The Réti is a popular opening at all levels of chess. The great advantage it possesses over other openings is that it’s a thematic system which can be adopted against many different defences, and because of this it’s a firm favourite amongst those who prefer the understanding of ideas over dry memorization of moves. In this book, Grandmaster Neil McDonald examines the Réti by going back to basics, introducing the key moves and ideas, and taking care to explain the reasoning behind them – something that has often been neglected or taken for granted in other works. The English is a sophisticated and popular opening system that is suitable for all types of players and can lead to both positional and tactical middlegames. Many of the world’s top players, including Kasparov and Kramnik, include the English in their openings weaponry. In this groundbreaking book, Grandmaster Neil McDonald revisits the basic principles behind the English and its many variations. Throughout this easy-to-read guide the reader is aided by a wealth of notes, tips and warnings from the author, while key strategies, ideas and tactics for both sides are clearly illustrated. This book is ideal for the improving player.


Vekt 0,7 kg
Dimensjoner 30 × 20 × 3 cm






