An Attacking Repertoire for White with 1.d4: Ambitious Ideas and Powerful Weapons

kr 320,00

Viktor Moskalenko er en av vår tids ledende sjakkinstruktører. Ikke bare har han trent mesterspillere, inkludert den ukrainske stjernen Vassily Ivanchuk, han har også undervist i hundrevis av klasser for amatører, og hans bestselgende bøker har inspirert tusenvis av ambisiøse klubbspillere over hele verden.

Moskalenkos tidligere og svært populære sjakkåpningsbøker ble hovedsakelig skrevet fra sorts perspektiv. Nå presenterer han et ekstremt kraftig sett med linjer for hvit. Det ledende prinsippet for 1.d4-repertoaret er: vær dristig og legg press på motstanderen din så tidlig som mulig!

Moskalenko overøser deg ikke med lange computervarianter, men har et godt øye for essensen av stillinger. Hans talent for å finne nye ressurser i kjente linjer resulterer i en rekke nyheter, dristige anbefalinger og listige triks.

Når du spiller linjene hans og følger anbefalingene hans, vil du ofte overraske motstanderen din og bygge opp stillinger fulle av dynamikk og muligheter. Å studere denne boka er en fryd fordi dette er en typisk Moskalenko-bok: praktisk, tilgjengelig, original, underholdende og inspirerende.

Boka har anbefalinger mot omtrent alt du møter med 1. d4, med unntak av hollandsk.

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Viktor Moskalenko (1960) is an International Grandmaster and a FIDE Senior Trainer. The former Ukrainian champion’s recent books include The Even More Flexible French, The Wonderful WinawerTraining with Moska and The Fabulous Budapest Gambit.

“It’s always an intense experience turning the pages of a Moskalenko book and this is no exception. It’s crammed full of opening ideas which will suit players of all strengths. His mix of wit, weapons and wisdom strikes me as the ideal source for anyone seeking inspiration. Well-explained introductions, conclusions and summaries, exercises in the text and overall fine presentation.” — Grandmaster Glenn Flear, Yearbook 132

“A series of aggressive and sometimes offbeat lines, aimed at putting each of Black’s Defences under pressure right from the start. Fully accessible for club players.” — Sean Marsh, CHESS Magazine

“A host of interesting new and dangerous ideas that help you to fight for whole point with the white pieces.” — John Upham, British Chess News

“Moskalenko’s lines would be a good match for a dynamic, aggressive player, while I could imagine established 1.d4 players looking for to the book to add a couple of interesting extra lines to their repertoire. As always, Moskalenko’s writing is enthusiastic, creative and entertaining.” — Grandmaster Matthew Sadler, author of Game Changer

“Most openings presented in this volume need to be known for the first 10 moves, and then one should remember the ideas Moskalenko explains in order to find the next moves. I believe the book belongs in everyone’s chess library for the amount of annotated games. Just being exposed to them, and Moskalenko wise commentary, will help a player to improve and understand better chess.” — Davide Nastasio, Georgia Chess News

“A book full of surprises, early deviations of well-known variations. A fine book for those who have been playing 1.d4 for a long time and now for a change want to play something surprising.”  Johan Hut, Noord-Holland Dagblad


Vekt0,9 kg
Dimensjoner30 × 20 × 3 cm






