Build up your chess 3: Mastery

kr 275,00

Build up your chess med Artur Yusupov er for sjakkspillere som ønsker å bygge ferdighetene sine på solide grunnlag.

Yusupov guider leseren mot et høyere nivå av forståelse ved hjelp av nøye utvalgte stillinger og råd. Denne nye forståelsen blir deretter testet av en serie oppgaver.
Build up your chess er den første av tre trilogier i Artur Yusupovs prisvinnende treningsserie.

Yusupovs prisvinnende treningsserie:
Dette er en del av et nibindsverk hvor alle bøkene kan lese hver for seg – eller som en helhet:
Build up Your Chess: [Bind 1] [Bind 2] [Bind 3]
Boost up Your Chess: [Bind 1] [Bind 2] [Bind 3]
Chess Evolution: [Bind 1] [Bind 2] [Bind 3]
Alle bøkene følger samme struktur hvor bind 1, The Fundamentals, viser de grunnleggende idéene i trilogien. Bind 2, Beyond the Basics, setter kursen mot mestring, mens i Bind 3, Mastery, tar vi ballen i mål. Bøkene øker i vanskelighetsgrat og bind 3 i hver serie har ganske høyt nivå og anbefales for mesterspillere og høyere.

De forskjellige emnene taktikk, strategi, posisjonsspill, sluttspill, beregning av varianter, åpninger mm. er jevnt fordelt gjennom de ni bindene, slik at leseren får sjansen til å forbedre hvert område når de arbeider seg gjennom bøkene.

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“Yusupov series of books (Build up your chess, Boost your chess, Chess Evolution) for players in 1000-2200 level approx. is good recommendation.”
GM Ramesh, probably the best trainer in the world. Trainer of Praggnanandhaa, Aravind and many other promising young Indians.

“One cannot help but notice that in this volume and the others in the series; only a small amount of the material covered – no more than a maximum of 20 percent – is devoted to opening play. While a large majority of chess books on the market deal primarily with the first phase of the game there can be no doubt that for those rated below the target audience of 2100 the proper approach is teaching them the fundamentals which is precisely what this series does. This means an emphasis on the middle and endgame…

Adult newcomers to the game and players who have passed their peak will invariably find themselves frustrated at some point if they define their relationship to the game solely by their rating. One way they can increase and rekindle their love of the game is by learning more about it. Yusupov’s series offers them the perfect way to do this.”

IM John Donaldson


“Yusupov’s years of playing in top tournaments stands him in good stead when it comes to choosing material for his lessons. Such insider knowledge allows him to keep a strong theme running through each lesson…

The material is challenging, as it should be for the last volume of a nine-book series. Hard work will be required to get the most out of the exercises, but it is always accessible and very nicely presented”

Sean Marsh, CHESS


“I would like to once again draw attention to the perfect chess lessons by Artur Yusupov, published in no less than nine beautiful parts by Quality Chess.

In the first part, all kinds of standard themes such as open lines and development of the pieces are naturally raised, but also combinations that lead to promotion, stalemate motifs and the complex theme of the opposition that remains a big mystery for many a club player.”

Bab Wilders, Nederlands Dagblad

“I recommend the series to anyone from 1700 to 2200… Those with more than 2200 will certainly pick some things here and there. There are challenging exercises and you will have to put a lot of work.”

Gollum (full review)


Vekt 0,6 kg
Dimensjoner 30 × 20 × 2 cm




