Fra forlagets utvalgte anmeldelser av boken (engelsk):
“By far the best work on Karpov’s chess to date.”
John Watson, The Week In Chess:
“A truly great addition to the literature of the game, even a classic (…) The examples (105 of them) include an extraordinary number of fantastic, sometimes breathtaking ideas (..) I can recommend this book without reservation.”
John Saunders, British Chess Magazine:
“A most enjoyable and instructive work, with an index of endgame themes which allows the student to concentrate on Karpov’s abilities in specific types of endgames.”
Peter Doggers, ChessVibes:
“Endgame examples on the absolute world top level, and analysed on a very high level, too. Very nicely edited.”
Mark Donlan, Chess Horizons:
“The games are well-annotated. There is an index of opponents and a classification table of endgame types and themes. Highly recommended.”
GM Paul Motwani, The Scotsman:
“Excellent. This beautiful 358-page book is a ‘must have’ for all chess lovers.”
Harald Keilhack, Schach Magazine:
“For Karpov fans this is one of the best collections (…) more thorough than pseudo-authentic stuff like Karpov’s ‘My Best Games’.”
Joe Petrolito, Australian Chess:
“The annotations are extensive but clear, and provide a good insight into the endings. Hence the book can also serve as a teaching tool. Highly recommended.”
Steve Giddins, author of ‘101 Endgames Tips’:
“Simply fantastic – a real classic.”
Praise for Tibor Karolyi:
Richard Palliser, Chess Magazine on ‘Judit Polgar, The Princess of Chess’:
“An excellent job. Keeps the reader fully entertained.”
Jon Ostriker, ChessCafe on ‘Kasparov’s Fighting Chess’:
“An outstanding achievement, a real teaching book.”