Endgame Virtuoso Anatoly Karpov: The Exceptional Endgame Skills of the 12th World Champion

kr 270,00

De 105 beste sluttspillene i Karpovs karriere forklart!

Anatoly Karpovs legendariske sluttspillteknikk har alltid vært noe av en gåte. Karpov ble verdensmester i 1975, som etterfølger av Bobby Fischer. Med sin fine sluttspillsteknikk klarte Karpov å vinne stillinger som nesten alle andre vurderte som remis.

Denne boken tar for første gang en nærmere titt på hans sluttspillsteknikk, og forklarer de finere nyansene bedre enn Karpov selv noensinne brydde seg om å gjøre.

All eksisterende analyse har blitt omarbeidet og mange spektakulære funn har blitt lagt til. ‘Endgame Virtuoso Anatoly Karpov’ gir verdifull innsikt i kvaliteter som gjorde Karpov til en så god sluttspillstekniker, kanskje den noen sinne før Magnus Carlsen.

En svært lærerik og underholdende bok.

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Fra forlagets utvalgte anmeldelser av boken (engelsk):

“By far the best work on Karpov’s chess to date.”

John Watson, The Week In Chess:
“A truly great addition to the literature of the game, even a classic (…) The examples (105 of them) include an extraordinary number of fantastic, sometimes breathtaking ideas (..) I can recommend this book without reservation.”

John Saunders, British Chess Magazine:
“A most enjoyable and instructive work, with an index of endgame themes which allows the student to concentrate on Karpov’s abilities in specific types of endgames.”

Peter Doggers, ChessVibes:
“Endgame examples on the absolute world top level, and analysed on a very high level, too. Very nicely edited.”

Mark Donlan, Chess Horizons:
“The games are well-annotated. There is an index of opponents and a classification table of endgame types and themes. Highly recommended.”

GM Paul Motwani, The Scotsman:
“Excellent. This beautiful 358-page book is a ‘must have’ for all chess lovers.”

Harald Keilhack, Schach Magazine:
“For Karpov fans this is one of the best collections (…) more thorough than pseudo-authentic stuff like Karpov’s ‘My Best Games’.”

Joe Petrolito, Australian Chess:
“The annotations are extensive but clear, and provide a good insight into the endings. Hence the book can also serve as a teaching tool. Highly recommended.”

Steve Giddins, author of ‘101 Endgames Tips’:
“Simply fantastic – a real classic.”

Praise for Tibor Karolyi:

Richard Palliser, Chess Magazine on ‘Judit Polgar, The Princess of Chess’:
“An excellent job. Keeps the reader fully entertained.”

Jon Ostriker, ChessCafe on ‘Kasparov’s Fighting Chess’:
“An outstanding achievement, a real teaching book.”


Vekt 0,8 kg
Dimensjoner 25 × 18 × 4 cm






