Grandmaster Preparation – Positional Play

kr 295,00

Har det vært tider i løpet av et parti når du har prøvd å regne varianter som en gal, men ikke finner noe som funker i linjene dine?

Har du noen gang følt at datamaskinens forslag i analysen din etter partiet ikke gir mening for deg?

I Positional Play deler Jacob Aagaard sitt enkle tretrinnsverktøy for posisjonsanalyse som han har brukt med klubbspillere og berømte stormestre for å forbedre deres stillingsvurdering.

Med utgangspunkt i at alle spillere som ønsker å spille på internasjonalt nivå, har en viss posisjonsforståelse, legger Aagaard ut en lettlest treningsplan som vil forbedre alles intuisjon og posisjonsbeslutning.


Grandmaster Preparations-serien er rettet mot ambisiøse spillere, og ikke enkle bøker, men du vil få veldig godt utbytte av dem.




“I like the books Positional Play and Strategic Play. After I studied them, my pieces started to co-ordinate better.”

GM David Navara

“Positional Play offers the reader 222 well-chosen positions to solve, drawn primarily, but not exclusively, from recent practice. These positions are arranged around three themes: weaknesses, pieces and prophylaxis. Even those unable to solve the positions will derive benefit from the effort and the thorough solutions.

Accepted practice holds that all chess players should incorporate thirty minutes a day solving tactics. An extra half hour going through Positional Play would be time well spent.

Highly Recommended.”

IM John Donaldson (full review)

“The best three chess books: The brilliant Grandmaster Preparation series (Strategic Play, Positional Play and Calculation), which I would warmly recommend to anyone wanting to reach the next step with their chess.”

James Adair, CHESS Magazine

“Aagaard is an excellent writer and a skilled pedagogue. His examples clearly illustrate the themes he is trying to describe, and the solutions to the exercises are clear and comprehensive.

Positional Play, like all of the books in the Grandmaster Preparation series, is not a book for the faint of heart. Effort, however, will be repaid with increased understanding and perhaps even Elo points to boot. It can be warmly recommended to players over 1800 and those slightly lower if plucky and willing to work.”

John Hartmann (full review)

“All exercise positions in this book are from real games involving at least one player of IM strength. The positions are quite modern – most source games were played in the last fifteen years… It is evident that Aagaard has put a lot of work into acquiring these positions for use as training material, and [Positional Play] may well be a terrific addition to a chess player’s library based on the quantity and quality of the exercises. Contemplation of the positions should provide many hours of enjoyment for chess players.”

Vijay Raghavan, (full review)

“Each chapter brings a lot of fresh material to the reader for training purposes in the form of exercise positions… A great workbook to raise your playing strength.”

Martin Rieger, Rochade Europa

“A challenge for the aspiring player, an invitation to some high class training sessions.”

Uwe Bekemann,

“An amazing training and exercise book that will bring ambitious players to a high positional level with the help of the 3-question method. Highly recommended!”

Heinz Däubler, Der Neue Tag (Weiden)


Vekt 0,6 kg
Dimensjoner 25 × 18 × 3 cm






