King’s Indian 1

kr 340,00

Denne bokserien tilbyr sort et komplett repertoar med Kongeindisk forsvar.

Gawain Jones har skrevet en fabelaktig bibel om en av de store, klassisk sjakkåpningene.

Bind 1 dekker hovedlinjene 1.d4 Ff6 2.c4 g6 3.Sc3 Lg7 4.e4 d6
Bind 2 dekker i hovedsak det bind 1 ikke dekker, som firbondeangrep, Averbach-angrep og fianchettosystemer.

Dette er en del av et tobindsverk: The King’s Indian
[Bind 1] [Bind 2]

Grandmaster Repertoire er en serie med høykvalitetsbøker basert på hovedlinjene, skrevet av sterke stormestere. Målet er å gi leseren et komplett repertoar på et nivå som er godt nok for eliteturneringer, og selvfølgelig også for klubbmesterskapet.

Grandmaster Repertoire gir et repertoar som varer livet ut.

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The King’s Indian is the ideal response to 1.d4 to combine dynamic counterattacking play with complete theoretical soundness. A past favourite of both Fischer and Kasparov, it continues to perform well at the highest levels of modern chess.

King’s Indian 1 is the first of two books presenting a complete repertoire for Black. GM Gawain Jones is the perfect guide, being both a world-class player and a longstanding expert on the King’s Indian. This book version of Jones’s Chessable course has been extensively edited and reorganized by Quality Chess.

This volume takes the opening moves 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 as the starting point, covering White’s main possibilities, such as the Mar del Plata, lines with an early h2-h3 and the Sämisch (5.f3).

The repertoire will be completed in King’s Indian 2, including antidotes to White’s tricky tries after 1.d4 Nf6, as well as the King’s Indian versus the English Opening, Reti and everything else (except for 1.e4).

Gawain Jones is an English grandmaster, twice British Champion and winner of the 2020 European Blitz Championship. He continues to use the King’s Indian as his main weapon against some of the best players in the world.


“Jones writes well, supplying a wealth of verbal description to go alongside plenty of variations. Indeed, the club player would learn plenty just from reading the key text passages and studying the main lines. More advanced players and real King’s Indian aficionados will, of course, want to play through everything.”

CHESS magazine


Vekt 0,9 kg
Dimensjoner 30 × 20 × 3 cm






