Learn from Bent Larsen

kr 365,00

Bent Larsen er en av de mest berømte sjakkspillerne i det tjuende århundre, og den sterkeste skandiaviske spilleren før Magnus Carlsen.

Larsen ble kjent for sin kreativitet og sin kampvilje, men også hans strategiske forståelse. Denne boka søker å gi deg innsikt i hvordan og hvorfor den danske mesteren ble så god at han vippet selveste Bobby Fischer ned til 2. bord på verdenslaget i 1970 i matchen mot Sovjet.



Bent Larsen is one of the most celebrated chess players of the twentieth century. Larsen is the man who pushed Bobby Fischer down to Board 2 on the Rest of the World team in 1970. The Danish grandmaster had spectacular results, but chess fans appreciated even more his creativity and fighting spirit. For Larsen, a drawish-looking position was no reason to halt a game, as he had the ability to create magic out of thin air.

Learn from Bent Larsen is a labour of love by award-winning author Mihail Marin. This project was originally planned as one chapter in a book about several players, but as ever more gems emerged, it became clear that Bent Larsen deserved a book of his own.

Mihail Marin is a grandmaster from Romania. His books for Quality Chess have established him as one of the world’s finest chess authors.


Vekt 0,7 kg
Dimensjoner 30 × 20 × 2 cm






