My Secrets in the Ruy Lopez

kr 249,00

Det er store nyheter når en legendarisk spiller avslører sine åpningshemmeligheter!

Lajos Portisch var 8 ganger VM-kandidat. Han var ikke minst kjent for sine grundige åpningsanalyser, og har nå skrevet om sitt liv i spansk åpning. I denne boka åpner han sine omfattende åpningsdatabaser og presenterer sine viktigste partier, og ikke minst ubrukte nyhetene i spansk.

Han forklarer også strategiene og ideene bak disse linjene, og plasserer de viktigste spillene i deres historiske omgivelser. Anekdoter florerer, det samme gjør refleksjoner om hans viktigste rivaler, inkludert Fischer, Karpov, Tal, Larsen og Smyslov.

Dette er også et grundig og moderne verk. I tillegg til å trekke på partier fra sin lange karriere, inkluderer Portisch viktige spanskpartier av moderne mestere, inkludert Anand og Carlsen, og beskriver dem fra sitt eget unike perspektiv. All analyse har selvfølgelig blitt verifisert med computer, med Portischs håndlagde variasjoner som i de fleste tilfeller tåler kontroll, men med datamaskinen som tilføyer nye og overraskende vendinger.

Dermed ser vi hvordan menneskelig kreativitet kan forbli en viktig komponent i moderne forberedelser.

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Lajos Portisch is one of the greatest players of the modern era. An elite player from the 1960s to the 1990s, he qualified for the candidates eight times and was board 1 for the Hungary team that won olympic gold in 1978, ahead of the USSR. He is one of the 12 Hungarian ‘Sportsmen of the Nation’ – the country’s highest sporting honour.

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“Written with love and passion” – Soloscacchi

“This book is particularly suitable for players who already have some knowledge of the Spanish Game, and want to deepen this further. Through the combination of analysis and experience, the reader gets the best of both worlds: namely the accuracy and sharpness of the machine and the intuitive, formable insight of the human being. All in all, a neat book” – Zyon Kollen,

“Portisch’s notes are absolutely delightful, combining personal reflections on his contemporaries with excellent analysis. Summing up, this is a fabulous book – fully accessible to club players and with sufficient depth to entice strong tournament players to enter its entertaining and instructive pages” – Sean Marsh, CHESS MAGAZINE

“Another super read from Gambit, written by the legendary Lajos Portisch, who had the nick name as the ‘Hungarian Botvinnik’. To see Portisch and his contemporaries of that time is a truly fascinating time trip. Readable and highly educative… this is a great chess book!” – John Elburg,

“A window into the secret lab of one of best analysts/strategists in chess. It is a great opportunity to read Portisch talking in first person, and making it easy for an amateur to understand the otherwise complex opening theory/evolution of the Ruy Lopez. Warmly recommended” – Miguel Ararat,


Vekt 0,5 kg
Dimensjoner 30 × 20 × 2 cm






