Python Strategy

kr 295,00

Tigran Petrosian er en titan i sjakkhistorien. Han var et geni i både strategi, forsvar og ofre, en profylaksens mester, men tok han ikke for mange remis?

Muligens. Men, da Petrosian valgte ut og kommenterte sine beste partier, forsvant den feilen og etterlot bare briljans og en dyp sjakkforståelse. “Mine partier mot den 9. verdensmester utvidet min forståelse av sjakk. Hadde det ikke vært for disse to nederlagene, ville jeg muligens ikke ha nådd toppen i sjakk.”, sa Garry Kasparov om hans partier mot Petrosian.

Boka består altså av partier Petrosian selv valgte ut og kommenterte. Å få innblikk i prosessen til en av de aller største spillerne, er uvurderlig, for både ferske spillere og drevne mesterspillere.

Denne boken er en engelsk oversettelse av en russisk klassiker som er en favoritt blant mange stormestre, inkludert Mihail Marin og Levon Aronian. En bokstavelig oversettelse av den russiske tittelen kan være ‘The Soundness Strategy’, men Python Strategy er et bedre egnet for Petrosians mer ambisiøse spill. Som en annen verdensmester, Max Euwe, skrev en gang: “Petrosian er ikke en tiger som hopper på byttet sitt, men snarere en pyton som kveler sitt offer.”

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Fra forlagets utvalgte anmeldelser av boken (engelsk):

“What is it about the book that I loved so much? The annotations by Petrosian were usually done immediately after his game had ended for magazines or newspapers. This meant that his annotations were mainly word based with the inclusion of deep variations only when required. Such kind of annotations may not be perfect (like computer analysis) but they teach you a lot about the game. It’s like getting to peek into the mind of a great player…

This book helps you to not only know about one of the greatest legends of the game but in doing so you will unknowing experience a sudden rise in your positional understanding.”

IM Sagar Shah (full review)

“Five recent offerings from Quality Chess confirm that it is the unquestioned leader when it comes to consistently publishing chess books of the highest quality…

Python Strategy, which contains numerous interviews of Petrosian, has over 100 deeply annotated games… Those looking for insights into the mind one of the most original World Champions of all time will find Python Strategy a fitting tribute and an excellent value.”

IM John Donaldson, Chess Today

“Python Strategy is a collection of narrative and entertaining content on the life and games of tenth world champion Tigran Petrosian… This work is recommended for the chess friend who likes to see well-commented games for entertainment as well as to improve his playing strength, as well as for those who would like to learn more about the former world champion.”

Uwe Bekemann

“It is beyond doubt that Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian (1929-1984) belongs to the very greatest part of chess history… The title Python Strategy is not a literal translation of the Russian title, but is based on a comment by Euwe that many opponents of Petrosian’s chess must have felt like the strangled victims of the python.”

Bab Wilders, Nederlands Dagblad

“Python Strategy is undoubtedly the new standard work on the ‘defensive artist’ Petrosian. Even 31 years after his death and in the era of engines, Petrosian’s games, analysis and verbal explanations provide valuable advice for every chessplayer.”

Alexander Hilverda, SCHACH


Vekt 0,4 kg
Dimensjoner 25 × 18 × 3 cm






