The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit: A modern guide to a fascinating chess opening

kr 245,00

Vil du fort ut av åpningsteori, liker risikovillige åpninger med stor payoff? Blackmar-Diemer-gambitten er 1. d4 d5 2. e5?! og derfra er det du som har all kontroll!

Det er et spennende angrepsrepertoar forfatteren viser i denne boka, og gambitten har mange følgere. Du ofrer en bonde i trekk to, får motstanderen fort ut av teori og inn i et angrepsspill du kjenner godt. Morsomt!

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Do you like setting your opponent problems from the very first move?

Are you happy to roll the dice and take some risks?

Then enter the intriguing world of the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit!

The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit is a dangerous attacking opening which has amassed a cult following – a loyal band of supporters like no other in chess. White sacrifices a pawn in return for a strong initiative which tests Black’s defensive capabilities to the limit. Some experts have questioned its objective soundness but there’s no doubting its effectiveness over the board, where pressure and a ticking clock often mean it’s impossible to find the right defence.

In this book, Christoph Scheerer takes a modern-day look at the gambit. He examines in detail the most promising lines for White and the most resilient defences for Black, discusses the key ideas for both sides and highlights the many traps awaiting the unsuspecting player.


Vekt 0,6 kg
Dimensjoner 25 × 17 × 3 cm







