The London System in 12 Practical Lessons: Strategic Concepts, Typical Plans and Tactical Themes

kr 295,00

London-systemet spilles av et stadig økende antall spillere, og det er lett å skjønne hvorfor. Mot praktisk talt alle svarte forsvar etter 1.d4 gir systemet hvit et lettlært og pålitelig sett med linjer. I prosessen har hvit interessante valg mellom strategiske eller mer aggressive tilnærminger, samtidig som man unngår massevis av åpningsteori.

London-systemet er altså den ideelle åpningen for spillere som ikke har mye tid til å studere.

Kreative elitespillere som Alexander Grischuk, Baadur Jobava, Richard Rapport og til og med verdensmester Magnus Carlsen har London-systemet på repertoaret.

Etter den enorme suksessen til The Agile London System, boken han var medforfatter av i 2016, besøker Oscar de Prado igjen sin favorittåpning. Det generelle fokuset er mindre på teori og har en mer praktisk tilnærming – selv om han presenterer nylig spilte partier og noen viktige teoretiske oppdateringer. De Prado unngår lange og kompliserte variasjoner og konsentrerer seg om å forklare enkle planer, klare strategier og standardmanøvrer.

Hvis du følger De Prados leksjoner er det lite sannsynlig at du møter overraskelser eller kommer ut av åpningen i en dårligere stillingen enn motstanderen. Og, du vil lære å ta de riktige valgene i midtspillet. Å studere denne boken er den mest effektive måten å bli kjent med en fleksibel sjakkåpning som er lett å lære og vanskelig å spille mot.

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“The idea is not to aim for master level, endless computer analysis of the opening but patiently explain the ideas and use games that complement the strategy. The book is excellent in detailing how to play the opening, the middlegame ideas and what to do against the obvious Black defences.” — IM Gary Lane, ECF Newsletter

“You don’t learn an opening by memorizing moves, but by understanding typical positions. Understanding the most important ideas and concepts within the pawn structure will help a player to know how to deploy his pieces. That many club players adopt the London system is because at the start White almost always plays the same moves, so it is ideal for those who don’t have much time to study theory. The London’s reputation of boring solidity is unjustified. Otherwise highly creative players like Grischuk, Jobava and Rapport wouldn’t have it in their repertoire.” — IM Herman Grooten, Schaaksite

“I think that this book will prove invaluable to the hordes of London System addicts out there, grouping together techniques in the opening, middlegame and endgame in a pleasantly readable manner.” — GM Matthew Sadler, author of ‘The Silicon Road to Chess Improvement’

“The content of this book is divided in twelve lessons that be easy incorporated in any study plan making it ideal for the club player. De Prado goes beyond opening moves to explain three key aspects to master any opening named thematic tactics, typical plans and the strategic concepts.” — Miguel Ararat, Florida Chess Quarterly

“Rather than just sprucing up a few lines, this latest work ultimately aims to liven up the reader’s mind! So, apart from giving the low-down on a selection of opening plans, he also investigates typical middlegame and even endgame scenarios. In the present work, each of the lessons deals with a specific strategic concept, but he still finds time to highlight new trends and ideas.” — GM Glenn Flear, New In Chess Yearbook

“The idea is not to aim for master level, endless computer analysis of the opening but patiently explain the ideas and use games that complement the strategy. [The London] has been adopted by elite players such as Carlsen as he is happy to outplay his opponents from an equal middlegame but there are plenty of tricks and traps. The book is excellent in detailing how to play the opening, the middlegame ideas and what to do against the obvious Black defences.” — IM Gary Lane, ECF Newsletter

“You don’t learn an opening by memorizing moves, but by understanding typical positions. Understanding the most important ideas and concepts within the pawn structure will help a player to know how to deploy his pieces. That many club players adopt the London system is because at the start White almost always plays the same moves, so it is ideal for those who don’t have much time to study theory. White has some interesting choices between strategic play or more aggressiveness. The London’s reputation of boring solidity is unjustified. Otherwise highly creative players like Grischuk, Jobava and Rapport wouldn’t have it in their repertoire.” — IM Herman Grooten, Schaaksite

“I think that this book will prove invaluable to the hordes of London System addicts out there, grouping together techniques in the opening, middlegame and endgame in a pleasantly readable manner.” — GM Matthew Sadler, author of ‘The Silicon Road to Chess Improvement’

“The content of this book is divided in twelve lessons that be easy incorporated in any study plan making it ideal for the club player. De Prado goes beyond opening moves to explain three key aspects to master any opening named thematic tactics, typical plans and the strategic concepts. Importantly, De Prado discusses new ideas and developments in the London System in lesson eleven, which is a time saver to the non-professional chess player.” — Miguel Ararat, Florida Chess Quarterly

“Rather than just sprucing up a few lines, this latest work ultimately aims to liven up the reader’s mind! So, apart from giving the low-down on a selection of opening plans, he also investigates typical middlegame and even endgame scenarios. In the present work, each of the lessons deals with a specific strategic concept, but he still finds time to highlight new trends and ideas.” — GM Glenn Flear, New In Chess Yearbook


Vekt 0,6 kg
Dimensjoner 24 × 17 × 4 cm






