The Reassess Your Chess: Workbook: How to Master Chess Imbalances

kr 220,00

I denne omfattende arbeidsboken tester IM Jeremy Silman dine styrker og svakheter med 131 problemer som dekker åpninger, taktiske og posisjonelle midtspill og sluttspill.

Denne boken presenterer løsningene til oppgavene gjennom en hel prosess, og gjennom denne metoden blir spilleren ledet til en forståelse av et tankesystem som forfatteren mener vil øke spillestyrken med flere hundre ratingpoeng.

Boken kan brukes både med og uten How to Reassess Your Chess

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This workbook may be utilized with or without Silman’s earlier book How To Reassess Your Chess. It may be used in the problem/solution manner described above, or its section of solutions may be read as an instruction manual itself. However one chooses to read this book, it will surely prove a font of wisdom and insight for all students of the game.

International Master Jeremy Silman is a world-class teacher, writer, and player who has won the American Open, the National Open, and the U.S. Open. He is the author of thirty-four highly popular chess books, including The Amateur’s Mind, How To Reassess Your Chess, and The Complete Book of Chess Strategy. He has also written dozens of articles that have appeared in chess magazines published throughout the world.

GM Larry Christiansen, former U.S. Champion, Author of ‘Storming the Barricades’:
“How to Reasses Your Chess and The Reasses Your Chess Workbook should be among the first books bought by players who want to improve their game. Highly recommended!”

Patrick Hummel, Fide Master, 1999 U.S. National High School Champion:
“Silman’s clarity of presentation and humorous personality have come together in this workbook to create the ultimate learning tool.”

GM Alex Yermolinksy, 1996 U.S. Champion, Author of ‘The Road to Chess Improvement’:
“l wish l could be a beginner again. This book makes learning about chess incredibly fun!”


Vekt0,9 kg
Dimensjoner30 × 20 × 3 cm






