The Rossolimo Sicilian: A Powerful Anti-Sicilian that Avoids Tons of Theory

kr 270,00

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Hvis du spiller 3. Lb5 i siciliansk, trenger du ikke holde deg oppdatert med den blendende teoretiske utviklingen i alle slags åpne sicilianere. Du kan gå bort fra teorien, spille ditt eget kreative spill – og likevel sette motstanderen i trøbbel!

Victor Bologan fokuserer på åpningslinjer han lærte av trener Viacheslav Chebanenko i sin ungdom i Moldava. Chebanenkos originale analyser dannet det solide grunnlaget for mye nytt og banebrytende arbeid som Bologan har gjort for denne åpningen – i praktisk spill, men også i treningsøkter med Garry Kasparov.

Bologan sliter ikke leseren ut med tørre varianter. Hans verbale forklaringer er enkle, klare og ofte humoristiske. Han forteller historien om linjen og gir en kort, men fargerik biografi om opphavsmannen, den legendariske stormesteren Nicholas Rossolimo.

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Victor Bologan is one of the strongest grandmasters in the world. He has won many tournaments, including the Aeroflot Open in Moscow and the Dortmund super-tournament.

He has written critically acclaimed opening books like ‘The Chebanenko Slav’ and ‘The King’s Indian: a Complete Black Repertoire’, and his ‘Victor Bologan Selected Games 1985-2004’ was an international bestseller.

Carsten Hansen, Chesscafe:
“In comparison to the material in ‘Experts on the Anti-Sicilian’, Bologan’s book compares well (..) It is easy to read and provides good coverage with plenty of original imput.”

Uwe Bekemann, German Federation for Correspondence Chess:
“Helps you to learn through understanding the material (..) I feel this is a book the chess world has been waiting for.”

Dennis Monokroussos, ChessToday:
“A system opening presented in just that way: as a system. There are no variations labelled B1332212 here! (..) There’s comparatively little to memorize, and what should be memorized is largely conceptual.”

Max Euwe Centre, Amsterdam:
“Bologan explains the strategic ideas with great precision.”

Joe Petrolito, Australasian Chess Magazine:
“The book is a great choice for a solid approach against the Sicilian defence, and it can only enhance Bologan’s growing reputation as a chess author.”

Marshtower Chess Reviews:
“Part of the appeal the Rossolimo holds for White players comes from the harmonious, easy development they usually obtain together with the often compromised nature of Black’s Queenside pawn structure (..) It is clear that GM Bologan is a fine writer and this book is quite suitable for serious tournament players.”

B.H.Wilders, Nederlands Dagblad:
“This author entertains with anecdotes and humour, but this is first and foremost an instruction book.”

IM John Donaldson,
“Advocates the modern system of trading on c6, often on move 4 (..) Bologan offers his material in an approach that combines using a structure based around ‘model games’ and a strict opening book. This synthesis works well with the Rossolimo that is usually about ideas but can become sharp and theoretical.”

Europa Rochade Magazine:
“The positions that arise leave a lot of room for your own creativity and appeal to positional players just as much as to attackers. An ideal weapon against the Sicilian with little theory and good prospects (..) The additional training tests are great.”


Vekt 0,7 kg
Dimensjoner 30 × 20 × 2 cm






