“The Sicilian Sveshnikov is the first major work on this popular defence since 2008 and makes all previous efforts superfluous.
Kotronias, although scrupulously objective, presents what he feels are the best lines for Black, not necessarily what has been played most often. Kotronias gets around the lack of current tournament examples in some main lines by drawing on correspondence games and also offering a great number of theoretical novelties when needed.
Anyone who plays the Sveshnikov or is considering taking it up should buy the Sicilian Sveshnikov. Highly Recommended”
IM John Donaldson, Chess Today
“With Grandmaster Repertoire 18: The Sicilian Sveshnikov, GM Vassilios Kotronias has written a complete and comprehensive repertoire book in the Sveshnikov, and brilliantly so.
His analysis runs past move thirty in many instances, but I never found myself overwhelmed by it. The book is very well structured, as is typical for Quality Chess titles, and the conclusions at the end of each chapter function as useful summaries. Anyone who plays the Sveshnikov with either color needs to study this book.”
John Hartmann, Chess Life
“If the Greek GM Vassilios Kotronias publishes a book you can be sure
a) there’s a lot of work and diligence behind it
b) it has high to very high standards
c) it is exceptional in all cases
Is it so this time? I can assure you, the book keeps all these promises!”
Martin Reiger