Winning Chess Middlegames: An Essential Guide to Pawn Structures

kr 305,00

Endelig er denne moderne klassikeren tilbake!

Har du noen gang lurt på hvorfor stormestre bare trenger sekunder for å se hva som egentlig skjer i stilling?
– Det handler om strukturer, slik Ivan Sokolov forklarer i denne banebrytende boken.

Winning Chess Middlegames tar for seg det ofte ignorerte, men ekstremt viktige temaet bondestrukturer, delt inn i 4 hovedtemaer: dobbeltbønder, isolerte bønder, hengende bønder og bondemajoriteter.

Med sine gode forklaringer og dype analyser av partier på toppnivå, hjelper denne boken deg med å løse de grunnleggende problemene i mellomspillet: terremg, spenning og initiativ.

Ved å studere denne boka vil du:
– forbedere dine ferdigheter i midtspillet
– utvikle en godg følelse av hvilke bestemte stillinger som passer din stil
– tilegne deg ny strategisk og praktisk åpningskunnskap



GM Michael Adams:
“This structured approach is quite instructive as often players choose their opening repertoire according to quite haphazard criteria, randomly picking up lines without giving serious consideration to how the resulting middlegames would suit them.”

Dennis Monokroussos, ChessToday:
“Sokolov covers his material deeply, offering not glib generalities but very specific insights and explanations. Great Games, marvellous analysis.”

Martin Rieger, FreeChess:
“I recommend this book to everyone who, coming out of the opening more or less ok, doesn’t know how to proceed.”

IM John Watson, The Week In Chess:
“Terrific instructional content and great games.”

3-Times British Champion GM Jonathan Rowson:
“The author skilfully unearths the main ideas and pivotal moments in structures that continuously recur. I like his verbal notes which tend to be very clear and, indeed, instructive.”

IM David Vigorito, ChessCafe:
“‘A pioneering effort from Ivan Sokolov that will benefit players of all levels, including masters.”

Sean Marsh, CHESS Magazine:
“The lucid and informative explanations convey a large amount of genuine Grandmasterly wisdom. This is easily one of the best middlegame books of recent times.”

IM John Donaldson:
“Using 45 model games, which includes a nice balance of analysis and prose, Sokolov explains the pros and cons of each structure. A great book”

Johan Hut, Gooi en Eemlander:
“A major achievement by Sokolov. Where opening books stop, this book continues”

The Judges of the ECF Book of the Year Award:
“Sokolov, who writes clearly and directly, shows the kind of tactical and strategic play appropriate to a wide range of middlegame pawn positions.”

“I recommend it to anyone interested in Nimzo-Indian and Queen’s Gambit pawn structures – which should be pretty much everyone interested in chess, of course. The book contains fantastic, personal and sincere views of chess and game analysis”

Max Euwe Center, Amsterdam:
“An extraordinarily instructive book and indipens

Ivan Sokolov was born in Bosnia in 1968. He was Yugoslav champion in 1988 and Dutch champion in 1995 and 1998. In his rich career he has beaten world champions Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik and Viswanathan Anand.


Vekt 0,7 kg
Dimensjoner 30 × 20 × 3 cm







